Strike of MoonClan

The Rules => Rules of the Forum => Topic started by: Dark Mousy on August 16, 2009, 04:32:21 am

Title: Ceremonies
Post by: Dark Mousy on August 16, 2009, 04:32:21 am
Please note that, as it is not an official Clan, MoonClan can do whatever they like, and don't have anything to do with the Warrior Code and have no Medicine Cat. Everything about StarClan, the Warrior Code and anything else should be omitted by cats of MoonClan, as any Cat is permitted to perform the ceremonies apart from Kits or Apprentices.

Apprentice Ceremony
When a kit reaches six moons of age, and is physically well enough to become an apprentice, an apprentice ceremony is held. At this time, the leader calls all Clan members to their meeting place (Highrock, Highledge, etc.) and begins by announcing the naming of the new apprentices. Then they call the kit(s) forward and speak the following words:

Leader: From this day forward, until he/she has earned his/her warrior name, this apprentice will be called _____paw.

The new apprentice’s name loses the suffix ‘kit’ and gains the suffix ‘paw’ instead. The leader then chooses the new apprentice’s mentor, and lists any traits that they hope the mentor will pass on to his/her apprentice. Once this is done, they name the next apprentice and assign their mentor, and so-forth until all the apprentices have their names and mentors. Once this is done, the mentor(s) touch noses with their apprentice(s). Finally, the Clan cats call out the name(s) of the new apprentice(s) and the congratulate them.

Kittypet Apprentice Ceremony
They are the same as the regular ones (apprentice ceremonies), except the naming is to be done with the collar stripped off, and placed in front of the new apprentice (collars are considered to be a branding of Twoleg companionship). If there is no collar, then the regular procedure is done.
(Leader chooses mentor and stuffs)

Warrior Naming Ceremony
When an apprentice has either been fully trained or has performed a great deed of bravery, then they are named as warriors. The prefix of the name stays the same, but the last part changes. The leader calls the Clan together, and then says the following speech:

Leader: "I, _____star, leader of ______Clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. _____paw [add another cat or two, if there are more than one], do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Apprentice(s): "I do"

Leader: "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name(s): _____paw, from this moment on you will be known as [warrior name]. StarClan honours your [virtue] and your [virtue], and we welcome you as a full warrior of _____Clan."

The ceremony ends with the warrior(s) being left in silent vigil in the camp. It means that the warrior(s) must stay in the middle of camp to guard the camp in silence. At sunrise, they can speak and finally go to sleep.

Deputy Ceremony
Deputies can die, be exiled, or retire. Always before the next moonhigh, the leader appoints the new deputy. Here is the speech leaders must use:

Leader: I say these words before StarClan, that the spirit(s) of [either the previous deputy or “our ancestors”] may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy will be [warrior name].

Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony
When a kit reaches six moons of age and has been accepted as a medicine cat apprentice instead of a warrior apprentice, this ceremony is performed the next time the medicine cats meet at the Moonstone/Moonpool on the half-moon.

Medicine Cat: _____paw, is it your wish to enter into the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?

Medicine Cat Apprentice: It is.

Medicine Cat: Then come forward.

*Apprentice obliges*

Medicine Cat: Warriors of StarClan, I present to you this apprentice. She/he has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her/him your wisdom and insight so that she/he may understand your ways and heal her/his Clan in accordance with your will.

*Lies down before Moonstone/Moonpool/etc.*

Medicine Cat Ceremony
Medicine Cat: I, [med cat name], medicine cat of _____Clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. S/he has trained hard to understand the way of a medicine cat, and with your help she/he will serve your Clan for many moons. _____paw, do you promise to uphold the way of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?

Medicine Cat Apprentice: I do.

Medicine Cat: Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. _____paw, from this moment you shall be known as [new name]. StarClan honours your [virtue] and [virtue], and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of _____Clan.

Death Ceremony
To honour the dead, the cat's closest friends share tongues with him/her for the last time. Cats say a few words, like a funeral. Then they stand vigil with the dead cat until sunrise, to make sure that they will travel safely to StarClan. Then, the elders (and sometimes a close friend or family member) take the body just outside of camp and bury it. Cats buried near camps will never be forgotten & are often visited by their friends.

Leader Ceremony
When the leader dies, the deputy takes over the clan. The deputy goes to the Moonstone (Moonpool, etc.) and receives nine lives from nine cats they knew that have joined StarClan. Each of the nine lives hold a special quality that are found in leaders (courage, justice, love, etc.). Usually the lives are bestowed in the following fashion: First the leader is stripped of their current life, then one by one, the StarClan cats walk forward and touch their nose to the leader’s nose. They say the following words:

StarClan cat that the leader knew: With this life I give you [quality]. Use it [whatever you use the quality for].

Most lives are very painful, because most warriors’ lives are filled with battles, hunger, and suffering. However, some (such as Silverstream’s life) are less painful than others. Once the life is given, the cat walks away and the next StarClan cat takes their place. This continues for all nine lives.

Title: MoonClan ceremoines.
Post by: Dark Mousy on September 19, 2009, 03:45:46 am
As it is not an official Clan, MoonClan can do whatever they like, and don't have anything to do with the Warrior Code and have no Medicine Cat. Everything about StarClan, the Warrior Code and anything else should be omitted by cats of MoonClan, as any Cat is permitted to perform the ceremonies apart from Kits or Apprentices.

MoonClan joining ceremony:
If a cat from another Clan wishes to join MoonClan, they will first be held hostage for a while, then they will have to fight Darkheart. If they win, then the ceremony takes place. If not, they are sent back to their original Clan.

Warrior/Leader: From this day forward, you shall forsake everything that you have ever been told about StarClan and the Warrior Code, and if you die, you shall take your place in DeathClan. Do you understand?

Other cat(s): Yes. I forsake StarClan, the Warrior Code and all other lies and shall take my place in DeathClan when I die.

All cats: MoonClan or Death!

Other cat(s): MoonClan or death!

Leader/Warrior: I take your name ______/____paw and name you ______/_____paw. MoonClan welcome you as a full member.

Warrior ceremony:
When an apprentice has either been fully trained or has performed a great deed of bravery, then they are named as warriors. The prefix of the name stays the same, but the last part changes. The leader or a Warrior calls the Clan together, and then says the following speech:

Leader/Warrior: I, ______, call DeathClan to look down on these Apprentices and to give them their Warrior Names.

*Closes eyes.*

Leader/Warrior: ____paw, you shall become ______, by DeathClan's proclamation. Do you take your place amongst the warriors of DeathClan?

Apprentice(s): I do.

Leader/Warrior: At ______'s (Choose a cat in DeathClan) proclamation, you are now a full member of MoonClan. Now, if you return to _____Clan, you shall be killed.

All cats: MoonClan or death!

New warrior: MoonClan or death!

Deputy Ceremony:
Deputies can die, be exiled, or retire. Always before the next moonhigh, the leader appoints the new deputy. Here is the speech leaders must use:

Leader: I say these words before DeathClan, that the spirit(s) of [either the previous deputy or “our ancestors”] may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy will be [warrior name].

All cats: MoonClan or death!

New deputy: MoonClan or death!

Leader: I now call upon ______ to spur the cats of MoonClan. Speak the words of DeathClan.

New deputy: As DeathClan spoke to cats in the past, they have spoken to me! Keep fighting, keep killing and take your places in DeathClan!